Once again it has been awhile since checking in. Kikilishop has grown considerably in 2024. Marcia and I now are both filling orders full time while also trying to expand. We still run under the philosophy of "turn no one down." Early next Spring we will be looking to move for a few different reasons. The main one being to get better care for our Autistic six year old. He has been struggling at school with behavioral issues. We know the school is doing the best they can and we love all his teachers but we feel he may need more help. We are also looking for more space! We never thought we'd be selling as much as we are and holding inventory for 1000 listings is easier said then done! We would like to continue running Kikilishop from home and really need more space to accomplish that. Our daughter Kaylee, the heart warrior herself, just had a cardiology check in and she is doing great. We always are nervous for those appointments so it was great to get good news. We want to thank all of our customers for giving us a chance. Online retail is not easy and it is hard to get your name out there. We want Kikilishop to be your one stop shop for inclusive gifts. Next year we will also be starting to manufacture and sell more of our designs. We hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday season.